Confirmation 2025
Celebration of Confirmation 5 April 2025 (Saturday) @ 10:00AM or 1:00PM in Holy Angels Church
2025 Schedule
Candidate/student & Sponsor/parent must attend the Tuesday Sessions*
- 29 October* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #1
- 19 November* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #2
- 3 December* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #3
- 31 December (Tuesday): Copies of your Baptismal & 1st Communion certificates, your Sponsor’s form and Pastor letter must be returned to the Office of Religious Education
- 11 January (Saturday): Retreat A @ 1-5:30pm in Holy Angels Church
- 14 January* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #4
- 8 February (Saturday): Retreat B @ 1-5:30pm in Holy Angels Church
- 11 February* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #5
- 8 March (Saturday): Completed Service Reflection returned to the Office of Religious Education
- 11 March* (Tuesday): 7-8PM in Holy Angels Church Session #6
- 4 April (Friday): Rehearsal in Holy Angels Church & Gym Candidates & Sponsors
- 6:30pm for 10am celebration (Last Names A-K)
- 7:30pm for 1pm celebration (Last Names L-Z)
- 4 April (Friday): Rehearsal in Holy Angels Church & Gym Candidates & Sponsors
All students entering 8th grade or higher for the 2024/25 school year, who meet eligibility requirements and complete the Parish’s Confirmation program, may celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation in 2025.
To be considered eligible, a student:
- Should be enrolled currently (24/25) & last year (23/24) in a Religious Education program or a Catholic school.
- Must be Baptized and have celebrated 1st Communion.
- Candidate/student and parent both attend an information/registration meeting in the fall 2024.
Questions please contact Mary Alberici office # 302.731.2209 or