Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation for children

Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation for Children

Updated: 6 August 2024

Our mission is to nurture each child, along with their parents and/or guardians, on their journey of Faith.  This office provides and coordinates Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for the children of our Parish.

Religious Education is provided for Grades: First through High School.

 Religious Education for Children (Educación religiosa para niños)

Sacramental Preparation is provided for children’s First Reconciliation/ First Communion and Confirmation.

First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation 

Confirmation Sacramental Preparation 

Program Coordinator: Mary Alberici

Phone: (302) 731 – 2209
Office Hours in Parish Center:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00pm.
CALL 302.731.2209

The Mission of the Office of Adult Formation is to nurture spiritual growth and foster an attitude of ongoing conversion to Jesus within the adult members of St. John – Holy Angels Parish.  The Office supports and promotes “formation for transformation” as called for in the U.S. Bishops’ document Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us.

Formation as Catholic Christians is an ongoing, life-long process. To assist in that journey of faith, the Office of Adult Formation provides opportunities and resources for faith enrichment.

For more information, contact the Office of Adult Formation. Phone: (302) 731-2219

Upcoming Events
  • Foundations of the Catholic Faith classes begin Wed Oct 2 from 6 – 7:30 pm in Parish Center
  • Check the bulletin for details for St. John – Holy Angels events
Scripture Groups
Scripture groups meet for the purpose of sharing and interpreting Scripture.  Exact meeting dates and locations are listed in the Sunday bulletin.  Saturday Morning Men’s Scripture Sharing meets at 7:30 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, September to May.
For more information, please email Gene Consiglio
Individual Spiritual Direction
Perhaps you are experiencing a sense of hunger for more in your spiritual life.  Maybe your prayer life seems to be changing.  There might be a sense of being drawn to a new or different place in your relationship with God.  If you would like to meet with a spiritual companion on your journey, it could be that spiritual direction is for you.  Meeting monthly to explore, to savor, to honor your walk with God, you and the spiritual director will prayerfully listen, will notice together God’s whisperings, action, and Presence in your day-to-day life.

For more information, please call Mary Consiglio (302-453-9613) or email Mary is a member of our parish and has been a spiritual director for over twenty years.

Sharing Faith Groups

Are you feeling a little tug to deepen your relationship with God or have a desire to learn more about the Catholic faith? Small faith formation groups offer a way to spend time focusing on God’s action in your life in a prayerful and trusting atmosphere, sharing your faith walk with others. Recent topics included The Mass, The 7 Deadly Sins, and Your Life Is Not Your Own. Meetings are posted in the bulletin. You will be most welcome!

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is an ancient yet ever new practice of praying with the Scriptures. Using the four R’s of Read, Reflect, Respond, Rest, we engage with the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and allow it to speak to our hearts. The final R, Rest leads us into twenty minutes of silent prayer. Lectio Divina, like many things in life that we just read about, until we have actually experienced them, we cannot fully appreciate them. 
All are welcome to our monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 10:30 at the Parish Center. Check the Parish Bulletin for meeting information or contact either:
Donald Hudgins
Betty Baker
The Chosen Bible Study
The Chosen is a fresh take on the Gospels by viewing Jesus’ ministry through the disciples’ point of view. How did Jesus impact their lives? What questions and doubts did they have? How are the disciples just like you? Each 2nd Monday of the month, the Chosen Bible Study group gathers at the Parish Center at 6 pm to share faith about two episodes. All are welcome. Season 5 discussion begins August 2025. Please contact Chris Moriak if you want more information,
The lesson guides are available by clicking on the following links:
The Chosen – Series Notes.pdf

The Chosen Season 3 Bible Study.pdf
The Chosen Season 4 Bible Study.pdf

Lay Dominicans
The Laity of St. Dominic are those faithful who, baptised in the Catholic Church or received into her, confirmed and in full communion of faith, sacraments and ecclesiastical governance, are called by a special vocation to progress in the Christian way of life and to animate temporal things through the charism of St. Dominic. The lay Dominican Fraternity (Our Lady Queen of Peace) meets on Holy Angels campus every 2nd Saturday of the month. For more information, contact Anthea Piscarik or  302-373-3916.

Foundations of the Catholic Faith

Our mission is to nurture one’s life of prayer, knowledge of faith, knowledge of the liturgy and the sacraments, and understanding of what it means to live a moral life. We offer religious education lessons with short instructional and entertaining videos to help build or solidify the foundation of one’s Catholic faith: Foundations of Catholic Faith Lessons

Foundations of Catholic Faith OCIA

The Bible in a Year

BIY bulletin quarter page

The Catechism in a Year

CIY bulletin quarter page

Websites of Interest

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Discover Your Faith Journey

Are you curious about the Catholic faith? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is your path to a deeper spiritual connection. Join us as we explore the teachings of Christ, grow in faith, and celebrate the sacraments. Whether you’re new to the Church or seeking a renewed commitment, OCIA offers a welcoming community and a transformative experience.

Select the following if needed:
For further information, contact the Office of OCIA. Phone: (302) 731-2219.
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