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Police Senior Roll Call Lifeline Program
The Senior Roll Call Lifeline is a free program provided by New Castle County that calls the homes of its subscribers every day to ensure the welfare of its elderly residents, many of whom live alone. Daily phone calls are made to those enrolled to make sure they are doing well and do not require emergency assistance. If after several attempts the calls are unsuccessful, a call is given to the individual that you designate to check on your well being. In emergencies, police are immediately dispatched to your residence. If you answer and need help, police are dispatched immediately. To learn more about the program and participate, or to sign up a loved one, please call the New Castle County Police Community Services Senior Roll Call Line at 302-395-8159 Or visit

Programa de línea de vida de la lista de personas mayores

Senior Roll Call Lifeline es un programa gratuito proporcionado por el condado de New Castle que llama a los hogares de sus suscriptores todos los días para garantizar el bienestar de sus residentes mayores, muchos de los cuales viven solos. Las llamadas telefónicas diarias se realizan a las personas inscritas para asegurarse de que les está yendo bien y no requieren asistencia de emergencia. Si después de varios intentos las llamadas no tienen éxito, se realiza una llamada a la persona que usted designe para verificar su bienestar. En emergencias, la policía es enviada de inmediato a su residencia. Si responde y necesita ayuda, la policía es enviada inmediatamente. Para obtener más información sobre el programa y participar, o para inscribir a un ser querido, llame a la línea de asistencia para personas mayores de los servicios comunitarios de policía del condado de New Castle al 302-395-8159 o visite
Cover for St. John the Baptist-Holy Angels Parish
St. John the Baptist-Holy Angels Parish

St. John the Baptist-Holy Angels Parish

Welcome! St. John the Baptist is located at Main & Chapel Sts. (200 E. Main St.) in downtown Newark. Holy Angels is located at 82 Possum Park Rd., off of Kirkwood Hwy.

St. Marianne Cope is only the 11th Catholic saint to have lived in what is now the United States and is one of the most recently canonized, having only been declared a saint in 2012. Her life took her to the island of Molokai in Hawaii, educating and caring for members of the leper colony. To spread joy, she was known for bringing brightly colored scarves to women on the island. St. Marianne Cope, patroness of outcasts, help all of us at St. John/Holy Angels love the misfortunate as fervently as you did.⁣Santa Marianne Cope es la undécima santa católica que ha vivido en lo que hoy es Estados Unidos y es una de las más recientemente canonizadas, ya que fue declarada santa en 2012. Su vida la llevó a la isla de Molokai en Hawái, educando y cuidando a los miembros de la colonia de leprosos. Para difundir la alegría, era conocida por llevar bufandas de colores brillantes a las mujeres de la isla. Santa Marianne Cope, patrona de los marginados, ayúdanos a todos nosotros en San Juan/Santos Ángeles a amar a los⁣desafortunados tan fervientemente como tú lo hiciste. ... See MoreSee Less
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SJ 8am Mass - Jan 23 ... See MoreSee Less
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82 Possum Park 

Road Newark, DE 19711

Roman Catholic Parish

(302) – 731 – 2200


© 2024 St. John the Baptist – Holy Angels Parish. All Rights Reserved.

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